

police brutality

video of protest and police brutality

Is this what democracy looks like?

The major news organizations seem to have completely ignored several clear examples of police brutality in Miami, FL during the Free Trade Agreement summit.

We all realize that "the media" is controlled by very large corporations. Very large corporations aren't going to tolerate nasty images of police thugs beating up peaceful protesters. This would interfere with their corporate global agenda.

I really want to be a moderate, but I am starting to think that I simply can't. I find that I am getting damn nervous. More nervous every day. Things seem to be getting out of hand right here in my America. It's the police not the protesters that are getting violent. I am arriving at more questions with seemingly ugly answers.

Is this country still a democracy? Do we still have the right to peaceable assembly? After all, police attacked peaceful protesters during the summit. When our rights to a peaceful assembly are violated and clear and compelling evidence exists to prove it happened, when there are several cases of torture and sexual assault in Miami jails, where the hell is the public outrage? This crap is no longer happening down in Guatemala or somewhere else far away. What if it was your daughter that had been sexually abused, or your son that had been held down while other police sprayed him in the face with pepper spray? And why on earth do you have to read about these things here in my blog? Why aren't people talking about this at your workplace or in your school? Are we all too focused on the damn Superbowl? Are we all too afraid of being considered "liberals"?

Here is what Joe Arriola, the Miami city manager, had to say about the (lest we forget: videotaped) police brutality and other charges of civil rights violations committed by his police force.

If you want to, you can write to him and share your thoughts.



Hello World!

It is time I embraced the 21st century. I will try to keep this up-to-date.

Sadly, the real world will likely interfere and I will tilt after some other windmill.

In the meantime though, how about those missing WMD?

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